Wednesday 10 April 2013

climate change

What we do to this planet doesn't matter.....right?.......and all this talk of climate change is just scaremongering by the government or the EU imposing some daft policy on us.......right?
These are the last of the trees that lined the school playing field......Poplar, Ash, Sycamore, a blink of an eye....they were gone.....The school was built in the 1960s...I have seen these trees for over 50yrs.....before they formed the school boundary they were part of an old farm boundary.........
the tree next to the street light was over two foot across at the bottom. 
imagine four photos side by side to get an idea of how much was chopped down....the bigger trunks were were over two foot across.......
these trees over the last five years endured exceptional weather conditions for this location....excessive rainfalls, including flooding, we've had water bans because of water shortages, snowfalls of unusual depth and cold, biting winds, and this time last year..... a....... scorching heat wave.
These trees died off from the inside.... NOT from disease......but because they were unable to cope with excesses... and... lack of water, cold, and heat......for the childrens safety they had to come down before they rotted and became brittle and fell down.
I feel sad that they have gone....I miss them.....their grace and beauty, the seasons displayed in the colours of their leaves and fruits....will be enjoyed no more....and the protection from the ever increasing winds that they afforded this house and my neighbours houses over the last few years. 
Yet it is still widely believed that climate change isn't's just a myth put about by the Government and the EU to impose their stupid sanctions on us and interfere in our lives 
and put taxes up....................
It's refuse collection day today........and we are still struggling to get people to do a simple thing sort their rubbish......and achieve recycling targets.......which are nowhere near  the set 45% targets.....80% of our rubbish CAN be recycled........ how many floods, droughts, famines, heatwaves, and other disasters will it take before people catch does matter what we do....and don't do....not just in our local community but the world wide community.................

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