Tuesday 22 July 2014

more rust play

its addictive....
found a bungle of cotton covered wire.....been in the garage for well over 20yrs....originally I think it was a nice neat hank. I think it was used to bind bungles of cables together in a telephone exchange or local box......
I thought...its been here all this time...lets spend a few minutes seeing if the cotton string....in orange and cream will come off easily.......
no it didn't... the wire inside was brittle and kept breaking......I noticed little bits of rust staining.....I had out a big roll of embroidery stabiliser / or rip off....or what ever its called...so I rolled the wire in some of that and added water and left it over night......LOVED the result... so did again and again and again... morning...afternoon...evening...next day....lol...the serendipity of the marks... had me hooked...
The first one is on the right...and then they got longer and longer... the two on the left have a bit of a blank space...thats where I folded it to get more marks in one go.....getting carried away now...the last one on the left is four metres long...I folded it into four, put the wire on top of two sections folded the other two sections over the top before rolling up and soaking......

all from this little strawberry punnet....
now what do I with them ?????????????
I certainly feel justified in hoarding the little tangle of wire and string now !!

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